Amylase: Voorkomen In Het Lichaam, Laboratoriumwaarde, Informatieve Waarde ๐Ÿ’Š Wetenschappelijk-Praktische Medical Journal - 2024 (2024)

  • Wat is de amylase?
  • Wanneer bepaal je de amylase?
  • Amylase referentiewaarden
  • Wanneer is de concentratie van amylase in het bloed toegenomen?
  • Wat te doen als de concentratie van amylase in het bloed verhoogd is?

de amylase is een enzym dat betrokken is bij het suikermetabolisme van het lichaam. Het wordt gevonden in het speeksel en de secreties van de alvleesklier. Het enzym breekt grote suikermoleculen af โ€‹โ€‹die worden opgenomen in kleinere suikereenheden. Bij ontsteking van de alvleesklier wordt amylase in toenemende mate in het bloed waar te nemen. Lees hier alles wat u moet weten over het enzym.



  • Wat is de amylase?

  • Wanneer bepaal je de amylase?

  • Amylase normale waarden

Wat is de amylase?

Amylase is een enzym dat grote suikermoleculen afbreekt en ze bruikbaarder maakt. In het menselijk lichaam zijn er twee verschillende soorten amylase die de suiker op verschillende plaatsen splitsen: de alfa-amylasen en de bรจta-amylasen.

De amylase bevindt zich in het speeksel van de mondholte en in de pancreas. Als suiker via het voedsel wordt opgenomen, wordt het in de mondholte door de speekselamylasen in kleinere eenheden verdeeld. De alvleesklier maakt amylasen vrij in de dunne darm. Daar worden de suikermoleculen verder gesplitst totdat ze eindelijk via de darmwand in het bloed kunnen worden opgenomen.

Wanneer bepaal je de amylase?

De arts kan de concentratie amylase in het bloed bepalen, vooral als een patiรซnt lijdt aan hevige pijn in de bovenbuik en koorts. In sommige gevallen kan een ontstoken alvleesklier de oorzaak van deze symptomen zijn. De bepaling van de totale amylaseconcentratie of de pancreatische amylaseconcentratie kan deze vermoedelijke diagnose ondersteunen wanneer de concentratie van de amylase in het bloed wordt verhoogd.

Een klein deel van de amylases uit het spijsverteringssap komt in het bloed. Van daaruit worden de enzymen via de nieren geรซlimineerd. De amylase kan daarom worden gedetecteerd in het bloed of de urine. Als de nieren verzwakt zijn in hun functie, neemt de concentratie alfa-amylase in het bloed toe. Verhoogd is dan vaak alleen de concentratie van pancreasamylase in het bloed.

Amylase referentiewaarden

De amylaseconcentratie in het bloed wordt niet in zijn absolute hoeveelheid maar in enzymactiviteitseenheden (eenheden, U) per liter substraat gemeten.

normale waarden

Totaal amylase


Volwassenen (serum)

<100 U / l

40% van de totale amylase

Volwassenen (24 uur urine)

Volwassenen (spontane urine)

<270 U / l

<460 U / l

De normale waarden kunnen verschillen afhankelijk van de gebruikte meetmethode.

Wanneer is de concentratie van amylase in het bloed toegenomen?

De amylaseconcentratie kan toenemen in de volgende gevallen:

  • Ontsteking van de pancreas (pancreatitis)
  • pancreastumoren
  • Ontsteking van de parotis (bijvoorbeeld in de bof): hier wordt alleen de concentratie van speekselamylase verhoogd
  • Nierfalen (nierinsufficiรซntie)

Naast amylase vereisen de bovengenoemde ziekten de bepaling van aanvullende laboratoriumgegevens om de diagnose en verder onderzoek te bevestigen.

Wat te doen als de concentratie van amylase in het bloed verhoogd is?

Als de waarde van amylase wordt verhoogd, kan er geen specifieke ziekte worden vastgesteld. Integendeel, dan moeten er meer bloedwaarden worden bepaald om de oorzaak op te helderen. Is dat zo amylase Als gevolg van een pancreatitis die in toenemende mate in het bloed te detecteren is, wordt de concentratie vaak meerdere keren bepaald voor de follow-up.
Amylase: Voorkomen In Het Lichaam, Laboratoriumwaarde, Informatieve Waarde ๐Ÿ’Š Wetenschappelijk-Praktische Medical Journal - 2024 (1)

FAQ - ๐Ÿ’ฌ

โ“ What does it mean if your amylase is high?

๐Ÿ‘‰ High amylase levels are typically a sign of acute or chronic pancreatitis. Acute pancreatitis can cause amylase levels to become four to six times higher than the upper limit of the normal range. Other conditions may cause amylase levels to increase, including: pancreatic cancer.

โ“ What does amylase level tell you?

๐Ÿ‘‰ An amylase test measures the amount of amylase in blood or urine (pee). Amylase is an enzyme made by your pancreas and salivary glands that helps your body break down carbohydrates. If an amylase test finds too much amylase in your blood or urine, it may indicate a pancreas disorder or other health condition.

โ“ What to avoid if amylase is high?

๐Ÿ‘‰ When your amylase is high you should:

  • Avoid alcohol [76, 77].
  • Make sure you are hydrated (unless instructed otherwise). Hydration helps with pancreas recovery [78, 79].
  • Make appropriate fasting or dietary modifications if necessary. These will be outlined by your doctor [80, 81].

โ“ What causes a low amylase?

๐Ÿ‘‰ If your blood amylase level is low, that could mean your pancreas isn't making enough of the protein. Possible reasons for this include: Chronic (ongoing) pancreatitis. Cystic fibrosis.

โ“ What causes amylase to increase?

๐Ÿ‘‰ If you have a problem with your pancreas, your amylase levels are usually higher than normal. High levels can also be caused by an infection, cancer, or even alcohol or certain medicines.

โ“ Can stress cause high amylase levels?

๐Ÿ‘‰ Salivary alpha-amylase (sAA) has been suggested to reflect stress-related body changes. Psychosocial stress increases the release of salivary alpha-amylase, which reflects the activity of the sympathetic-adrenal-medullary (SAM) system.

โ“ What foods increase amylase?

๐Ÿ‘‰ Natural Sources of Digestive Enzymes

  • Honey, especially the raw kind, has amylase and protease.
  • Mangoes and bananas have amylase, which also helps the fruit to ripen.
  • Papaya has a type of protease called papain.
  • Avocados have the digestive enzyme lipase.

โ“ What diseases cause high amylase?

๐Ÿ‘‰ A high amylase count can be a sign of the following conditions :

  • Acute or chronic pancreatitis. ...
  • Cholecystitis. ...
  • Macroamylasemia. ...
  • Gastroenteritis. ...
  • Peptic ulcers or a perforated ulcer. ...
  • Tubal, or ectopic pregnancy.

โ“ What are symptoms of low amylase?

๐Ÿ‘‰ Symptoms may begin suddenly or slowly and include:

  • Pain in your upper abdomen (belly) that may spread to your back or get worse after eating.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Fever.
  • Fast heartbeat.
  • Jaundice.
  • Greasy, foul-smelling stool (poop)

โ“ What medications cause high amylase?

๐Ÿ‘‰ Drugs that can increase amylase measurements include:

  • Asparaginase.
  • Aspirin.
  • Birth control pills.
  • Cholinergic medicines.
  • Ethacrynic acid.
  • Methyldopa.
  • Opiates (codeine, meperidine, and morphine)
  • Thiazide diuretics.

โ“ How high is amylase in pancreatitis?

๐Ÿ‘‰ In patients with acute pancreatitis, amylase average was 397.17 IU/L. Among patients with acute pancreatitis, blood amylase of 22.7 % were โ‰ค 110 IU/L, 35/2% were in the 330-110 IU/L and 42% were โ‰ฅ330 IU/L.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Amylase is an enzyme that helps digest carbohydrates. It is made in the pancreas and the glands that make saliva. When the pancreas is diseased or inflamed, it releases increased amounts of amylase into the blood. A test can be done to measure the level of this enzyme in your blood. Amylase may also be measured with a urine amylase test.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Amylase is naturally produced in humans by the salivary glands and pancreas. It can also be naturally found in plants and animals. Like most things, amylase production slows as we get older, which increases our risk for digestive troubles, malnutrition, and poor health.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Because you need carbohydrates, you also need amylase enzymes. The effects of amylase can be seen much quicker than those of lipase digestive enzymes (helps digest fats) and protease (helps digest proteins). The reason for this is because amylase comes from two locations in your bodyโ€”the pancreas and the salivary glands.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Nineteen enzymes have been classified as belonging to the microbial amylase group: hydrolases (EC 3) such as ฮฑ-amylase, ฮฒ-amylase, glucoamylase, ฮฑ-glucosidase, debranching enzymes and transferases (EC 2) such as CGTase, 4-ฮฑ-glucanotransferase, and a branching enzyme.

Amylase: Voorkomen In Het Lichaam, Laboratoriumwaarde, Informatieve Waarde ๐Ÿ’Š Wetenschappelijk-Praktische Medical Journal - 2024 (2024)


What does it mean when your pancreatic amylase is high? โ€บ

What do the results mean? High levels of amylase in blood or urine may be a sign of: Acute (sudden) pancreatitis. A blockage in a duct (small tube) in the pancreas. Pancreatic cancer or benign (not cancer) tumor.

What causes high salivary amylase levels? โ€บ

Other causes of hyperamylasemia include pneumonia (increased salivary amylase), cerebral trauma, burns, abdominal aortic aneurysms (increased pancreatic amylase), drugs (increased salivary and/or pancreatic amylase), anorexia nervosa and bulimia (increased salivary amylase), nonpathologic (increased salivary and/or ...

What cancers cause high amylase? โ€บ

Other conditions may cause amylase levels to increase, including: pancreatic cancer. ovarian cancer. lung cancer.

What diseases cause high amylase? โ€บ

Increased blood amylase level may occur due to:
  • Acute pancreatitis.
  • Cancer of the pancreas , ovaries, or lungs.
  • Cholecystitis.
  • Infection of the salivary glands (such as mumps ) or a blockage of the salivary gland duct.
  • Intestinal blockage.
  • Macroamylasemia.
  • Pancreatic or bile duct blockage.
  • Perforated ulcer.
Feb 28, 2023

What level of amylase is concerning? โ€บ

The normal range for amylase in a blood sample for an adult is 30 to 110 units per liter (U/L). If your amylase levels are higher than normal, you may have 1 of many conditions. These include: Sudden swelling of the pancreas (acute pancreatitis)

What should I avoid if my amylase is high? โ€บ

Avoid alcohol. Alcohol use will irritate your pancreas and liver, and may cause interactions with medications. Follow a diet that is low in fat, low in red meat, and high in fiber.

What triggers pancreatic amylase? โ€บ

In the pancreatic acinar cells, CCK interacts with a receptor present on the outer cell membrane. This activates a G protein-coupled signal transduction pathway (see Figure 8-15) to ultimately stimulate the secretion of amylase, trypsinogen, and chymotrypsinogen stored in secretory granules.

Can liver disease cause high amylase? โ€บ

Hyperamylasemia associated with chronic liver disease may be of salivary gland origin and as such forms part of the spectrum of extrahepatic manifestations of chronic active hepatitis.

What medications cause high amylase? โ€บ

Drugs, however, may induce injury to amylase-containing tissue or change serum binding of amylase, resulting in hyperamylasemia. Drugs reported to have caused hyperamylasemia include opiates, acetaminophen, lamivudine, and valproic acid.

What organ does amylase affect? โ€บ

The pancreas produces large amounts of alpha-amylase, which requires calcium and acts as a major digestive enzyme at neutral pH. Amylase is also present in liver and salivary glands. Thus, increased plasma amylase is indicative of tissue damage in pancreas, liver, or salivary glands (Evans, 2009).

Is amylase levels a tumor marker? โ€บ

The serum and urine amylase may be good tumor markers to chemotherapy and progression of disease for amylase-producing lung adenocarcinoma.

Can stress cause high amylase levels? โ€บ

Psychosocial stress increases the release of salivary alpha-amylase, which reflects the activity of the sympathetic-adrenal-medullary (SAM) system.

How does high amylase make you feel? โ€บ

Hyperamylasemia can be from pancreatic sources, salivary glands, or other etiologies. Pancreatic causes of hyperamylasemia include: Acute pancreatitis usually presents with severe epigastric abdominal pain and elevations of serum amylase beyond 3 times the upper limit of normal.

What triggers amylase? โ€บ

Elevated amylase levels can result from heightened production, whether originating in the pancreas or outside it, or from a diminished clearance rate.

Can kidney disease cause high amylase? โ€บ

Increased levels of serum amylase have been reported in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). 1 But this elevation is not expected to exceed 2โ€“3 folds of the normal serum levels. More than 2โ€“3 folds of normal levels of serum amylase should firstly considered as pancreatitis.

Can amylase be elevated without pancreatitis? โ€บ

Elevations in pancreatic enzymes are not specific for acute pancreatitis. Between 11 and 13 percent of patients with non-pancreatic abdominal pain have elevated pancreatic enzymes [1,2].

What causes high pancreatic enzyme levels? โ€บ

A very high level of lipase is usually a sign of acute pancreatitis. Higher than normal levels of lipase may be caused by: Diseases of the pancreas, including a blocked duct (tube), or pancreatic cancer.

Does high amylase cause weight gain? โ€บ

One way amylase may affect weight is through the gut flora; people with higher amylase expression may have more gut bacteria that ferment resistant starch into butyrate. At least four AMY1A variants have been associated with weight gain in humans.


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