Video: 'GMA' Deals and Steals on Oprah’s Favorite Things (2025)


Adam Glassman of O, The Oprah Magazine joins Tory Johnson to share exclusive discounts on items for “GMA” viewers.

5:56 | 11/08/19

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Video: 'GMA' Deals and Steals on Oprah’s Favorite Things (1)



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Transcript for 'GMA' Deals and Steals on Oprah’s Favorite Things

Now are you looking to get a jump on your holiday shopping while touring Johnson is here with up first look at. Okay. They try to get this one right here Adam Glassman here with us the creative director of. OK. I'm. Buchanan. Tell is different. But his tone is different because overloaded a terrible she loved about is he in leather is soft its luxurious some Lulu dharma its the perfect Harry off. You'll hold everything from gym clothes to Wear clothes. Uses seven days a week. Six gorgeous colors really luxurious a lot of bang for the buck I love the sustainability. You know like and I know he didn't let the parent of the deal on these normally they're 95 dollars but today at a slight spike 68%. Yeah. Okay. Do you have been times where Lucy I'd ask legendary Steve two hours I know to cover not one but it wasn't easy. Selling a start up with a deal on the gourmet hot sauce of all gourmet hot sauces but before we talk about it. Let's hear from the one and only Oprah Winfrey house. Is now ninety minutes is there hasn't even when somebody as every state it's they don't have jobs. Okay. Collins up front and today and knows she does trouble she really is a truffle all let him tough consulate she gives to every once the most solutions its tangy it's hot sauce is its use that white trump tell overwhelm them that you got ahead. At an all chances that enhances the food she puts it on burgers as I egg sandwiches. You name meant it beautifully packages package it's really good. And says if you look inside of Oprah's tote bag. You're gonna there are you have. You know you have fifty. This dinner to get Telecom seeking to keep one if you might even give money to give up you can keep our eyes. Yeah I don't okay. I'm glad it is an interesting day on this Monday isn't Fanny pack now know. This is the greatest thing you have been. Also massage it is right now it looks like a high tech stole but it is awesome literally mean mimics that feeling. Human hands on your back here is others. Perfect. She optimized logic told magic him it's very dramatic. It was and made me. Opportunities off and Larry is dressing room just to say giving you I sleep at she'd say I'm. Fighting I didn't leave it nearly didn't hear that you this morning minutes that's and it's heated you know until I DJ can operate at Dallas yeah. I real wanted to. Austin is the is thought oh no they designed he's just for us they're gorgeous little that Palin rendition. Of can't make it happen Nat. We've been seeing meteors 99 dollars and true medic. Loves farm hand out and loves the pilot on but sometimes it's challenging figure out what goes with watts. This takes the guesswork out of it coordinates only jeweler it. Can afford you get five it is a race. Their set yes there's a sad sad. Lie super easy put on you put on make a big statement he look really chic exquisite be excluded its these are cool candidate insects this. Really beautiful the details are amazing. Really amazing what. You know it's it is a lot of bang for the buck here so normally the second five is a 195 dollars today we have slash women have to. Their fourth. Maggie 750 and this is is a lot of gets a lot of life. I however don't coloring books so last year this year the hottest trend. Is instilled in what I number and son. Not so we saw this week they'll love. It is common in these predators can say it's so relaxing and doing our allies he has easily you're stressed literally everything you get. Is you get this lovely canvas you get all the paints again right here what a fun gifts I. Time and then yeah. Normally 42 dollars Davis last lap 21 dollars fresh. Okay. That's these we are crazy about this from eastern standard provisions if they get sat. Of warm hearts his no soft pretzels. Regret both three different styles and you get all these different seasonings only have to do is beats and eats he would see literally any heat any. And then look at comes all of these different packets 300 so it's ironic or having dinner at the nine years yeah. Of the trumbull Pat Buchanan is integral to celebrate there's a troubled America red nightclub about it. I did an amazing amazing get sent this awesome to send you an off this gift not he uses aren't alone won't get. Well I don't you do you think normally sixty dollars but is set today at the last snap thirty dollars Frederick. Okay. Check candy this steals three times any donating and we have also partnered with all of these companies on these deals you can reap the rewards on our website do it today. And by the way audience good data come to us because everyone is gun moment Oprah's favorite products from Lulu dharma terror. Okay.

This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate.

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{"duration":"5:56","description":"Adam Glassman of O, The Oprah Magazine joins Tory Johnson to share exclusive discounts on items for “GMA” viewers.","mediaType":"default","section":"ABCNews/GMA","id":"66845448","title":"'GMA' Deals and Steals on Oprah’s Favorite Things","url":"/GMA/Shop/video/gma-deals-steals-oprahs-favorite-things-66845448"}

Video: 'GMA' Deals and Steals on Oprah’s Favorite Things (2025)


How do you get featured on Oprah's favorite things? ›

featured in Oprah's magazine
  1. Preface.
  2. Introduction.
  3. Step 1: Understand the Magazine.
  4. Step 2: Do Your Research.
  5. Step 3: Package Yourself and/or Your Product.
  6. Step 4: Prepare Your Pitch.
  7. Step 5: Make Contact.
  8. Step 6: Be Seen Everywhere in the Media.

Who does deals and steals on GMA? ›

Tory Johnson has exclusive "GMA" Deals and Steals $20 & under. You can score big savings on products from brands such as LAWLESS Beauty, Rhonda Shear and more. The deals start at just $5.20 and are up to 58% off. Find all of Tory's Deals and Steals on her website,

What store refused to sell to Oprah? ›

At the Louis Vuitton store, Kirby had her heart set on one purse in particular. However, when Oprah asked to purchase it, the store associate refused to sell it to her, claiming the bag was "only for the Italian people."

What is Oprah Winfrey's favorite color? ›

As Green as They Come! You might think Oprah Winfrey's favorite color is purple but I'd say she is more partial to green, that is, psychological green.

What does Oprah do with her old clothes? ›

Oprah Winfrey Cleans Closets, Sells Clothes at eBay Charity | Money.

What perfume does Oprah Winfrey wear? ›

Oprah being such a big personality is still a very down to earth person and that's what adds to her charm. She is an idol one should look up to. Just like the simple yet powerful person that she is, Oprah loves her perfumes to be the same, hence she chooses Bijan by Bijan for women to be one of her favorites.

Who was recently fired from GMA? ›

ABC News and longtime meteorologist Rob Marciano have gone their separate ways. Marciano was fired Tuesday after a decade of working on ABC News programs including “Good Morning America” and “World News Tonight,” sources confirmed to The Times.

Why is Dr. Jen Ashton leaving GMA? ›

Dr. Ashton is exiting the network to focus on her role as CEO and founder of her new women's wellness company, Ajenda. If you don't know, she's a board certified MD as an Ob/Gyn and she's an obesity medicine specialist as well.

Who was removed from GMA? ›

On Dec. 5, 2022, ABC News suspended Robach and Holmes, who had co-anchored the “GMA3” block of “Good Morning America,” after the revelation of their off-camera relationship.

How do I send Oprah Winfrey a message? ›

Best Ways to Reach Oprah Winfrey

Send fan mail for Oprah Daily Magazine to 300 West 57th Street 11th Floor New York, NY 10019, or call 212-649-2000. You can also email her publicist Nicole Nichols at, mail letters to her production company at 1041 N. Formosa Ave.

Can you subscribe to Oprah magazine? ›

You can subscribe to O, The Oprah Magazine by clicking here.

How does Oprah connect with her audience? ›

During her speech Oprah used both speaking volume and her tone of voice to communicate important messages and draw her audience in to listen to her closely.

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Oprah Winfrey transitioned her hit talk show, which ran for 25 years until 2011, into a media and business empire. Reinvested, the profits from her show, plus profits from films like The Color Purple, Beloved and Selma (which her Harpo Productions coproduced) add up to an estimated more than $2.5 billion.


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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.